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1.  Rules Surrounding E-Scripts?


In the Australian healthcare system, the prescription of particular Medicines are classified as controlled substances. These medications have a higher potential for abuse, dependence, and misuse. Please note the following rules:


  • Medication types and e-script information cannot be changed.

  • Repeat intervals and monthly allowances listed on e-scripts cannot changed.

  • A new prescription may ONLY be obtained through a Medical Consultation.


2.  What is a Dispensing or Repeat Interval?


A dispensing or repeat interval refers to the time period between consecutive refills of a

prescription medication. It indicates how frequently a patient can obtain a new

supply of the medication without needing a new prescription. The specific repeat

interval is determined by Australian medical governance and compliance guidelines and cannot be altered.


The purpose of repeat intervals is to prevent excessive or inappropriate use of medications,  reduce the risk of dependence or addiction, and enhance patient safety.  Attempting to refill the prescription before the designated time will lead to refusal by the pharmacist.



3.  What determines how many repeats are listed on my script?


Repeats per item on all E- scripts are determined by regulations and guidelines set by

Australian medical governance and compliance  and cannot be altered. For flower, this would equate to 60g per item as listed on the script. (10g tubs - 5 repeats = 1 + 5 repeats = 60g ; 15g tub will have 3 repeats = 1 + 3 = 60g).


4. What is a monthly allowance?


​Monthly allowances  provide a gram limitation across all dispensed products per calendar month. Such limits are based upon recommended medical guidelines.  Decisions to change a patient's monthly allowance are made ONLY by the medical practitioner following  specific protocols and medical guidelines. This process  cannot be altered or negotiated in accordance with the prescribing guidelines of schedule 8 Medications.  Please note:  Monthly allowance applies irrespective of new prescriptions. A new prescription does not change, increase or reset,  the monthly allowance of a patient's E-scripts.


  Attempting to refill the prescription before the designated time will lead to refusal by the pharmacist. Please note: All changes in treatment programs require a repeat consultation with Greenhouse in order to provide sufficient medical justification for dose and treatment plan adjustment.



5. Expired Scripts


All Schedule 8 medication scripts have an expiration date of 6 months. This

expiration date cannot be extended or altered under any circumstance. A new

consultation is required for the prescription of new and repeat medications.


6.  Product Substitutions


Product substitutions are dictated by the prescriber and provided and with the following contingencies:​

  • The product MUST be Out of Stock or Discontinued.

  • The product must have the same medicine % 

  • The product must be of an equivalent strain​


Products deemed to be OUT of stock with the supplier or discontinued, will be replaced via a pharmacy which has access to these products and may be delivered through mail. 


Patients who choose to select a product that is NOT mainstream or from a smaller supplier, of their own volition, forgo the opportunity for substitution should that product be discontinued or no longer available. We suggest patients who choose to select products, check the availability of those products with the pharmacy they choose to dispense it.


7. Prescribing Guidelines


Greenhouse Medical Clinic doctors are bound by prescribing guidelines issued by governing medical bodies and compliance regulations in Australia. Certain medications and medical conditions may be considered contraindicated to holistic medicines. In such circumstances, patients who experience specific symptoms or conditions, or who have been prescribed particular medications, may not be eligible for medications prescribed by Greenhouse Medical Clinic.


Likewise, patients who are prescribed Schedule 8 and/or certain Schedule 4 medications outside of this clinic may not be eligible for medications prescribed by Greenhouse Medical Doctors without providing the following documents. These documents must be issued by the prescriber of those medications:


1.  A patient health summary listing your medical diagnoses.

2. A letter of support for your medical cannabis treatment program.



8.   Patient Conduct 


We remind patients of the terms and conditions with respect to patient conduct. 


Our clinic STRICTLY adheres to the guidelines of the TGA and Australian Government Regulatory Bodies and will NOT engage with patients in the negotiation of such laws.​​


The attempted negotiation of practitioner prescribed medications and or the terms of it's dispensing, (monthly allowances and repeat intervals) is strictly prohibited. Such behaviour will result in discharge as a patient of Greenhouse Medical Clinic. 


Our practice has a duty to provide a safe physical and psychological environment free from aggression, abuse, intimidation, swearing or any abusive language, towards all our staff, medical staff affiliates, pharmacists and their colleagues, and any medical professional who works with Greenhouse Medical Clinic. Behaviour others may find bullying or threatening, or contains the use of swearing, threatening or abusive language will result in discharge as a patient of Greenhouse Medical Clinic.  â€‹


It is a criminal offence in Queensland to threaten another person. A threat is any communication indicating an intention to do harm.​

​Please note:  Threats of violence or harm to any staff member will be reported directly to the police. 



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